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RoJM Teaching Resources

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I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.




I enjoy creating high quality resources to help students achieve their full learning potential. Many of my products contain flexible lesson plans, differentiated worksheets and practical activities and PowerPoint Presentations on a wide range of subjects.
Colours Activities/Tasks and Sorting into Colour Groups, Cut/Paste - EYFS/Reception/Yr1

Colours Activities/Tasks and Sorting into Colour Groups, Cut/Paste - EYFS/Reception/Yr1

This product relates to activities based on colours. Aimed at: EYFS/Reception/Year 1/SEN groups. Ideal to use in a carousel system - each table has a dedicated activity and the children can move round once they have had a go at an activity. <strong>Content:</strong> Teachers Notes on activities -Whole page colour words surrounded by bubbles -Whole page colour words for children to trace over the dashes Colour word cards - upper case letters Colour word cards - lower case letters Selection of colour pictures with labels Black and white pictures for children to colour in Clipart buttons in a variety of colours Colours : red, brown, blue, orange, black, green, grey, yellow, white, purple and pink. <strong>• Activity 1</strong> – You can direct the children to use any colour media to fill in the colour words and the bubbles – paint, crayons, felt tips, pencils. <strong>• Activity 2</strong> – Children join up the dashes to complete the letters and then colour in the word. They can draw things that are usually that colour. <strong>• Activity 3</strong> – Use IT Paint Palette on computer to create a colourful picture or simply a rainbow. Extension: Ask the more able to copy type/write the colours they have used. </strong>• Activity 4 – Colour sort.</strong> Children sort the buttons by colour and glue them in the correct circles. <strong>• Activity 5: Hands-on activity:</strong> Alternatively, put out a selection of real buttons for children sort into colour groups onto the circles and they can say how they have grouped the buttons. <strong>• Activity 6: Word cards (upper/lower case letters):</strong> Lay out blank sugar paper or ordinary paper for children to glue on the colour card word, either upper or lower case, and then colour inside the letters. <strong>Prep:</strong> Cut out a selection of different colour pictures for the children and get them to decide which colour pictures they should stick around the name of the card colour. See preview slide. <strong>US Version</strong> https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/color-activities-paint-color-in-and-trace-over-color-sort-activities-it-link-prek-kindergarten-11881996 Thank you for visiting my shop:-) Link to Classroom Visual Displays UK https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/classroom-visual-colour-displays-mixing-colours-colour-flashcards-favourite-colour-activities-11341743
Advent Worksheets Gap filling and Cut and Glue/Stick Activities

Advent Worksheets Gap filling and Cut and Glue/Stick Activities

These are worksheets and information cards relate to Advent and Christmas. Content: • Gap filling activity (2 pages) with Answer Sheets • Differentiated cut and paste activity • Information cards to go with cut and paste activity • Colouring sheet for students to colour in the candles with the correct colours Gap filling activity (2 pages) with Answer Sheets Students read the very short texts - 2 on each worksheet and use the words from the word box to complete the sentences. Differentiated cut and paste activity with Answer Sheet Students cut out the description for each candle and glue next to the correct candle. One page of cut and paste sheet has a picture of the candles. Also included are a set of 5 information cards which you can laminate and place on students’ table to help them complete the cut and paste activity. Colouring Sheet This sheet contains Advent candles which you can give to students to colour in using the information cards to colour the Advent candles correctly. The information cards borders are in colour and b/w. Thank you for your interest.
Australia: Money Problems , Count, Add and Subtract, Draw coins to match price tags, Worksheets

Australia: Money Problems , Count, Add and Subtract, Draw coins to match price tags, Worksheets

This resource is on Australian currency - 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c and $1.00 coins Aimed at: Keystage 1/2 The worksheets are in colour and black and white. WITH ANSWER SHEETS Each of the four worksheets contain a variety of tasks for students to complete on the topic of buying school stationery. Worksheet 1 - Students look at the pictures and price of each item and then work out how much two items of school supplies cost. Two questions at the bottom: Which student spent the most? Which student spent the least amount of money? Worksheet 2 - This worksheet is similar to the above except students are working out what 3 items of school stationery cost. Worksheet 3 - Students answer 6 questions about the items, e.g. Which item is the most expensive? How much less do the crayons cost than the ruler? etc. The next task is to write the new price for each item which has risen by 10c. Worksheet 4 - The first task is to write the new price of the items which have risen by 20c. Second task - to add up 3 items of school supplies at the new price. Worksheet 5 - Sale Now On! - Students reduce the price of each item with the stated amount. They then recalculate the items of stationery bought. Additional worksheets: Drawing coins to match the price tags - students use the fewest number of coins as many times as they can. Add up the coins and write the total on the price tag for each object shown. Challenge: Students add up all the prices on the tags and write the total amount of money spent. File Type: Word and PDF You may also be interested in: Introduction and Presentation lesson on Australian coins and Non-fiction reading comprehension, Worksheets and optional video
Money Problem Questions, Count, Add, Subtract, Draw coins to match price tags, Worksheets

Money Problem Questions, Count, Add, Subtract, Draw coins to match price tags, Worksheets

<strong>UPDATED with new £1 coin.</strong> This resource is on UK currency - 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2 coins. Aimed at: KS1/Lower KS2 The worksheets are in colour and black and white. WITH ANSWER SHEETS Each of the four worksheets contain a variety of tasks for students to complete on the topic of buying school supplies/stationery. Worksheet 1 - Students look at the pictures and price of each item and then work out how much the two items of stationery cost. Two questions at the bottom: Which student spent the most? Which student spent the least amount of money? Worksheet 2 - This worksheet is similar to the above except students are working out what 3 items of stationery cost. Worksheet 3 - Students answer 6 questions about the items, e.g. Which item is the most expensive? How much less do the crayons cost than the ruler? etc. The next task is to write the new price for each item which has risen by 9p. Worksheet 4 - The first task is to write the new price of the items which have risen by 20p. Second task - to add up 3 items of stationery at the new price. Worksheet 5 - Sale Now On! - Children deduct the sale figure and recalculate the new price of each item. Additional worksheets: Drawing coins to match the price tags - Use the fewest number of coins as many times as you can. Add coins and write the total on the price for each object shown. Challenge: Students add up all the prices on the tags and write the total amount of money spent. File Type: Word and PDF Thank you for visiting my shop:-)
Weather Instruments - Display Posters, Informational Text, Worksheets, Cut/Paste, Display Letterings

Weather Instruments - Display Posters, Informational Text, Worksheets, Cut/Paste, Display Letterings

Teacher’s notes/guide (2 pages) A great addition to your weather unit activities. The product contains: • Letterings that spell ‘WEATHER INSTRUMENTS’ • 17 Posters with photos and description for wall display • 9 Factsheet Posters with clipart weather instruments • 9 Worksheets • 9 Blank writing slips for students to complete • 9 cut and glue match up weather activity LO: To learn weather instruments and what they are used for. Includes lesson starter. Letterings that spell ‘WEATHER INSTRUMENTS’ Seasonal lettering designs and plain white lettering that spell out weather instruments in upper case. Just print, laminate and cut around letters and attach to your wall display. 17 posters for display show photographs of each instrument and some facts. The posters are also on PowerPoint so that you can read them through with your class. Weather instruments: Anemometer Atmometer Barometer Wind vane Wind sock Hygrometer Thermometer Sling psychrometer Weather balloon Weather satellite Rain gauge Snow gauge Pilot Balloon Weather map Weather radar Stevenson screen These factsheet posters will help students complete their independent activities. 9 Factsheets clipart weather instruments These can be used as flashcards and/or you can also put a selection on students’ desks to complete their independent activities. <strong>The main weather instruments are: Anemometer, Barometer, Wind vane, Wind sock, Hygrometer, Thermometer, Weather balloon, Weather satellite and Rain gauge.</strong> Independent work 9 Worksheets: The more able students can complete the whole page worksheets. They write one or more facts about the instrument shown. Their writing should contain a lot more detail which they can obtain from the factsheets. Activity 1 - Cut out lined strips with picture of weather instrument: For students who can write one or two sentences about the weather instrument. Write the instrument and a sentence about it. Activity 2 – Read and match, cut and glue activity: Each strip of paper has a picture of a weather instrument and on a separate bit of paper is a description of an instrument. Students read the description of an instrument and then glue it to the correct picture on the strip of paper. Please see Preview Pane. Thank you for visiting my shop:-)
St. David's Day Myths and Legends, Presentation, Worksheets, Lesson Plan

St. David's Day Myths and Legends, Presentation, Worksheets, Lesson Plan

This product relates to the Legend of St. David and myths. Content: 18 Slide PowerPoint Presentation Lesson Plan 3 Sets of Worksheets The presentation describes myths and legends and that sometimes myths and legends overlaps. Children learn about some of the mythical stories that are passed down from one generation to the next, e.g. why the leek and the dragon are symbols of Wales and the miracles St David carried out, e.g. making the blind see, why David is standing on a hill with a dove on his shoulder, the legend of the boy who tried to steal pigeons, the legend of the corpse candle. Listening and speaking during the presentation. The flexible lesson plan guides you through the presentation or you can just play the presentation which children interact with. Differentiated gap-filling worksheets: Worksheet 1 - Children use the words in the box to fill in the gaps. Worksheets A and B: - Children work in twos and collaborate to complete their worksheet as each child has information the other children needs. There is a teacher’s copy for the worksheets A and B. Early finishers - During the presentation the children are given the opportunity to retell one or two of the legends they like best which they oral retell to the class. When they come to do the worksheets, they recount one of the stories either using a worksheet with story boxes or write a short narrative and draw a picture
Christmas Counting Numbers and  Numbers Words to 20 Worksheets - US

Christmas Counting Numbers and Numbers Words to 20 Worksheets - US

Christmas-themed resource relates to counting, reading and writing numbers in figures and number words and simple tallying work to 5 and then 10 and extension work to complete a simple block graph (5 columns). Also includes counting and matching numbers to number words. Consolidate and assess student learning in previous weeks - counting and reading and writing numbers in words and figures. Optional: Laminate the activity worksheets that are in color - Counting presents under the Christmas trees and ‘How many baubles on the reindeer?’ - for repeated use with dry-wipe pens. Content: Worksheets A-C: Counting baubles on the reindeer numbers up to 5 Worksheets D-I: Counting baubles on the reindeer number 6 to 20 Worksheets A -I: Counting presents under the Christmas tree numbers up to ten. (Answer Sheets) Worksheets 1 and 2: Counting baubles on wreaths – Students count the baubles and then circle the correct number or number word. Activity Sheets 1 to 14: Cut and Paste activity - Students read the number word and then cut out the same number of presents to glue under the tree. There is a separate sheet with presents to cut out and glue onto Activity Sheets. Numbers go up to 20 - Ideal for centers. • Please Help Santa worksheets (7 pages) Matching numbers to number word activity - students draw a line from each house number to match the number word on Santa’s sack so that he can deliver the presents to the correct house- numbers up to 20 Beginning to tally to 5 and then 10 (Answers included) • Worksheet 1: Students count the different baubles up to 5 and do tally marks. • Worksheet 2: Students count the Christmas pictures and tally up to 10. • Worksheet 3: Students answers questions about the tally chart • Worksheet 4 - Extension: Complete a block graph based on the data on Worksheet 2. For UK version: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-11461103 Thank you for visiting my store.
Canadian Money Skip Count by fives and tens Nickels/Dimes Worksheets Cut/Paste Activities Matching

Canadian Money Skip Count by fives and tens Nickels/Dimes Worksheets Cut/Paste Activities Matching

This pack relates to Canadian money and contains lots of activities for students to practise counting by fives and tens using nickels and dimes. Aimed at: Kindergarten/Grade 1 and 2 Skip counting in fives: Worksheet - Count the nickels and draw a line to match the money written on the tags. Worksheet - Missing nickels in the piggy bank. Students draw the remaining missing nickels on the piggy bank so that it matches the money in the circle. Worksheet - Students count by 5s to add up the nickels and then write the total on the tags. 2 Cut/Stick activities - Students cut out the nickels for each money bag so that the total adds up to $1 and $2 respectively. Skip counting in tens: Worksheet - Count the dimes and draw a line to match the money written on the tags. Worksheet - Missing dimes in the piggy bank. Students draw the remaining missing dimes on the pig so that it matches the money in the circle. Worksheet - Students count by 10s to add up the dimes and then write the total on the tags. 2 Cut/Stick activities - Students cut out the dimes for each money bag so that the total adds up to $1 and $2 respectively. File Type: Pdf - 15 Worksheets and 4 cut/stick activities You may also be interested in these resources: Free Adding Money Bags Worksheets Introduction to Money Facts Presentation and Coins Premium Products Money problem questions, count, add, subtract and draw coins to match price tags Thank you for visiting my store:-)
Mother's Day Mothering Sunday Assembly

Mother's Day Mothering Sunday Assembly

You can use this resource to present in an assembly (10-15 mins) or as a standalone lesson as I have included worksheets. It is editable to suit learning abilities of your pupils. Remember to ‘Save As’, give a new name to the Presentation before editing. You can change the date of Mother’s Day as it changes each year. Content: • Assembly/Lesson Notes • 19 Slides – PowerPoint Presentation • Mother’s Day card to colour in and add additional designs • Worksheet 1 – Pupils draw four things and write simple sentences of what their mums do for them. • Worksheet 2 – Pupils draw four things and write simple sentences of what they will do on Mother’s Day to make it special • Worksheet 3 – Pupils complete a cloze activity. Please see Assembly Notes – There is pupil interaction. Meaning of Mother’s Day Traditional Simnel Cake now linked to Easter History of Mother’s Day and the ‘Mother’ Church Children think about how they can make their mums feel special on the day When USA and Mexico celebrate their Mother’s Day Geography link – You could ask pupils to locate USA, Canada, Australia, UK and Mexico on the map as they are all on different continents. Simple Ready-made card This is for some pupils who are reluctant to design a card. See preview pane. Print off the sheet onto card or good quality paper. Pupils can decorate and colour in and add their name at the bottom. Then fold along the line to look like a card. Second sheet with the heart should be printed on normal paper. Tell pupils to decorate the sheet with the large heart on and then cut out to stick onto the front of the card. 3 Optional Worksheets to use after assembly or lesson. Worksheet 1 – Pupils draw four things and write simple sentences of what their mums or foster mum or gran do for them. Worksheet 2 – Pupils draw four things and write simple sentences of what they will do to make Mother’s Day special. For example, he/she could draw themselves giving mum a tray with breakfast in bed and then write a sentence correctly punctuated. Additional Worksheet 3 – This worksheet is in two parts. There is a gap-filling activity with the words in the word bank. The second part is finding which day of the week is missing and then writing it. File Type: Editable PowerPoint and Word docs, also in PDF format . Thank you for visting my shop:-)
Colors Activities Tasks and Sorting Color Groups  Cut Glue  PreK Kindergarten

Colors Activities Tasks and Sorting Color Groups Cut Glue PreK Kindergarten

This product relates to color activities. Ideal to use in group settings - each table has a dedicated activity and the children can move round once they have had a go or completed an activity. <strong>Content:</strong> Teachers Notes on activities -Whole page color words surrounded by bubbles -Whole page color words for children to trace over the dashes Color word cards - upper case letters Color word cards - lower case letters Selection of color pictures with labels Black and white pictures for children to color in Clipart buttons in a variety of colors Colors : red, brown, blue, orange, black, green, gray, yellow, white, purple and pink. <strong>• Activity 1</strong> – You can direct the children to use any color equipment to fill in the color words and the bubbles – paint, crayons, felt tips, pencils. <strong>• Activity 2</strong> – Children join up the dashes to complete the letters and then color in the word. They can draw things that are usually that color. <strong>• Activity 3</strong> – Use IT Paint Palette on computer to create a colorful picture or simply a rainbow. Extension: Ask the more able to type/write the colors they have used by copying the word cards. </strong>• Activity 4 – Color sort.</strong> Children sort the buttons by color and glue them in the correct circles. <strong>• Activity 5: Hands-on activity:</strong> Alternatively, put out a selection of real buttons for children sort into color groups onto the circles and they can say how they have grouped the buttons. <strong>• Activity 6: Word cards (upper/lower case letters):</strong> Lay out blank sugar paper or ordinary paper for children to glue on the color card word, either upper or lower case, and then colour inside the letters. <strong>Prep:</strong> Cut out a selection of different color pictures for the children and get them to decide which color pictures they should stick around the name of the card color. See preview slide. <strong>UK Version</strong> https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/colour-activities-paint-colour-words-trace-over-colour-sort-cut-paste-it-link-11881979?theme=1 You may be intersted in Class Visuals relating to colors: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/room-visuals-colors-for-display-what-colors-are-when-mixed-flashcards-colors-activity-worksheets-11341707 Thank you for visiting my store:-)
Halloween Telling the Time To The Hour and Half Hour Elapsed Time Reading /Writing Clock Times

Halloween Telling the Time To The Hour and Half Hour Elapsed Time Reading /Writing Clock Times

This products relates to the hour, i.e o’clock times and half past the hour times. Children read and write times on analogue clock and on digital clocks. Content O’ clock times worksheets (to the hour) (x3): Children read the times and draw hands on the clocks to represent the times shown. Half past times worksheets (x3): Children read the times and careful draw hands on the clocks to represent the times shown. Multiple choice tick boxes Worksheets relating to the hour and half past times (x3) There are six clocks on each worksheet and below each clock are three times with tick boxes. Children tick the box that shows the time correctly. Challenge: Worksheets for children who want more of a challenge. What the time will be Worksheets (x3) – (Includes Answer Key) These worksheets show the time the witch is cooking her brew (Time Now) and depending on what time the witch says that lunch will be ready, children work out the time it will be ready and write it on the digital clock. (Prior learning: children will know how to write times digitally or are learning to). Work out when lunch was ready Worksheets (x3) – (Includes Answer Key) These worksheets show the time the witch is cooking her brew (Time Now) and depending on what time the witch says that lunch was ready, children work out the time lunch was eaten and write it on the digital clock. (Prior learning: children will know how to write times digitally or are learning to). Thank you for visiting my shop:-)
New Zealand:Money Word Problems Count, Add, Subtract, Draw coins to match price tags, Worksheets

New Zealand:Money Word Problems Count, Add, Subtract, Draw coins to match price tags, Worksheets

This resource is on New Zealand currency - 10c, 20c, 50c, $1.00 and $2.00 coins Aimed at: Keystage 1/2 The worksheets are in colour and black and white. WITH ANSWER SHEETS Each of the four worksheets contain a variety of tasks for students to complete on the topic of buying school stationery. Worksheet 1 - Students look at the pictures and price of each item and then work out how much two items of school supplies cost. Two questions at the bottom: Which student spent the most? Which student spent the least amount of money? Worksheet 2 - This worksheet is similar to the above except students are working out what 3 items of school stationery cost. Worksheet 3 - Students answer 6 questions about the items, e.g. Which item is the most expensive? How much less does the sharpener cost than the ruler? etc. The next task is to write the new price for each item which has risen by 10 cents. Worksheet 4 - The first task is to write the new price of the items which have risen by 30 cents. Second task - to add up 3 items of school supplies at the new price. Worksheet 5 - Sale Now On! - Students reduce the price of each item by 20 cents. They then recalculate the items of stationery bought. <strong>Additional worksheets: </strong> Drawing coins to match the price tags - students use the fewest number of coins as many times as they can. Add up the coins and write the total on the price tag for each object shown. Challenge: Students add up all the prices on the tags and write the total amount of money spent. File Type: Word and PDF Download: 23 pages which includes b/w versions.
St Valentine Count Match Pattern Sequences Number Bonds 10 and 20 Ten Frames EYFS/KS1

St Valentine Count Match Pattern Sequences Number Bonds 10 and 20 Ten Frames EYFS/KS1

UPDATED February 12, 2019: Number bonds to 20. This pack contains St. Valentine maths topic themes which you can incorporate into your lesson plan(s). Aimed at: Reception/Year 1 If you operate a carousel system in your class, you can place the different activities on the tables for children to practise number work/patterns. Content and Description Includes Teacher Notes • Counting in ones missing number sequence worksheet – Children complete sequence by writing the missing numbers in the heart. • Number bonds to 10 and 20 - x2 sets of worksheets – this is a cut and stick activity. Children cut out a broken heart on worksheet 2 to match and stick to a broken heart on worksheet 1. The hearts add up to 10 on one set of worksheets; and then add up to 20 on the second set of worksheets. • Counting using Tens Frame – Pictures are placed in different positions on the tens frame. Children count and write the number in the space provided. • Count and tick to match activity – Numicon – Children count the pictures in the squares and then tick the Numicon shape that matches the number of pictures. • Colour Sequence Worksheet – Children work out what comes next in the colour sequence and then complete the last two or three squares. The pictures are: hearts, Valentine envelopes and lips. • Picture Sequence – Cut and stick activity – Children look at the pictures and work out what comes next. Then they cut out the correct pictures to complete the sequences. • Three sets of flash cards 1 to 10 o Numeral and Number flash cards o Numicon flash cards o Picture Heart flash cards 1. Children can play snap with the different sets of flash cards. 2. Whiteboard + dry-wipe pen - Choose a set, e.g. picture cards. Place the cards face down. He/She turns over two cards and writes a number equation to solve. File Type: Word and PDF Please see Preview Pane Thank you for browsing round my shop:-)
St David's Day  Numbers 1-20,  Puzzles , Tens/Twenty Frames, Block graph, Patterns, Missing numbers

St David's Day Numbers 1-20, Puzzles , Tens/Twenty Frames, Block graph, Patterns, Missing numbers

This is a St David’s Day theme product which contains five different maths activities. Optional preparation: You can cut out the puzzle pieces and have children assemble them or get the children to cut out the sheets of puzzle pieces and they can assemble and glue onto a separate sheet of paper or into their workbooks. Content: Differentiated puzzle pieces for children to match up numbers 1 to 10 and 11 to 20. The puzzles are in colour and b/w. Match up numbered gold coins with a picture of a dragon in the centre by drawing lines to the correct tens frame or twenty frame. Count gold coins and draw line to match with the tens frames. Bar Chart Worksheet in colour/b&w with differentiated questions: Worksheet 1 with 8 questions and Worksheet 2 with 11 questions (with Answer Sheets). Pictures: dragon, daffodils, leek and traditional Welsh black hat. Cut/Paste Picture Patterns Activity with Answer Sheet - children the picture(s) that comes next in the sequence. They are also given the opportunity to create their own picture patterns. Differentiated Missing Numbers Worksheets - Worksheet 1 children count the daffodils to find the missing number; Worksheet 2 for more able children- counting on to work out the missing number in each sum. Thank you for visiting my shop:-) You may be interested in the assembly/lesson, myths and legends and additional worksheets: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/st-david-s-day-assembly-lesson-worksheets-jigsaw-puzzles-word-search-reading-comprehension-bundle-12076876 Free St David’s puzzle 1 to 5: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spring-themed-daffodils-st-david-s-day-symbol-cut-paste-counting-1-to-5-puzzle-match-activity-12078461
US Money Problem Questions Count Add and Subtract Draw coins to match price tags Worksheets

US Money Problem Questions Count Add and Subtract Draw coins to match price tags Worksheets

This resource is on US currency - pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half dollar and one dollar bill. The worksheets are in color and black and white. WITH ANSWER KEYS Each of the four worksheets contain a variety of tasks for students to complete on the topic of buying school supplies/stationery. Worksheet 1 - Students look at the pictures and price of each item and then work out how much two items of school supplies cost. Two questions at the bottom: Which student spent the most? Which student spent the least amount of money? Worksheet 2 - This worksheet is similar to the above except students are working out what 3 items of school supplies cost. Worksheet 3 - Students answer 6 questions about the items, e.g. Which item is the most expensive? How much less do the crayons cost than the ruler? etc. The next task is to write the new price for each item which has risen by 9c. Worksheet 4 - The first task is to write the new price of the items which have risen by 20c. Second task - to add up 3 items of school supplies at the new price. Worksheet 5 - Sale Now On! - Students recalculate the new price of each item because they have been reduced. (Subtraction). Additional worksheets: Drawing coins to match the price tags - Students use the fewest number of coins as many times as they can. Add coins and write the total on the price tag for each item shown. Challenge: Students add up all the prices on the tags and write the total amount of money spent. Thank you for visiting my store:)
Halloween Counting, Match Up, Making 5, 10, 15 20, Picture Patterns, Cut/Glue Activity Worksheets

Halloween Counting, Match Up, Making 5, 10, 15 20, Picture Patterns, Cut/Glue Activity Worksheets

This resource relates to Halloween and contains a mixed bag of worksheets for children to do. Content: Counting Halloween pictures up to 10 Counting Halloween pictures up to 20 Both the above include Answers. Making 5 - Children use the same colour to colour in two pumpkins that add up to 5 (see example in preview) Making 10 - Children use the same colour to colour in two pumpkins that add up to 10 Making 15 - Use the same colour to colour in two pumpkins that add up to 15 Making 20 - Use the same colour to colour in two pumpkins that add up to 20 Extension: Use the same colour to colour in three pumpkins that make 20 Scary Sequencing Picture Patterns Worksheet - Cut/Glue - Children complete the sequence of pictures by cutting and sticking the correct picture. Do-It-Yourself Picture Patterns - Children create their own picture patterns using the blank sheets and ready-made pictures. They can choose how they want to create their picture pattern sequence. The pictures are: cauldron, broomstick, frog, witch’s black hat, spider, jar of eyeballs, mummy, black cat and witch’s green face. Spiders In the Web Worksheet - Children count the spiders and then draw two lines to match the number of the spiders on the web to the number and number word in the boxes. For the last two worksheets, children cut out the numbers and number words and glue them next to the correct spider webs. Thanks for stopping by my shop:-)
St Patrick's Day Maths Block Graph, Picture Patterns, Puzzles Numbers 1-20, Match Up Worksheets

St Patrick's Day Maths Block Graph, Picture Patterns, Puzzles Numbers 1-20, Match Up Worksheets

This is a St Patrick’s Day theme product which contains five different maths activities. Optional preparation: You can cut out the puzzle pieces and have children assemble them or get the children to cut out the sheets of puzzle pieces and they can assemble and glue onto a separate sheet of paper or into their workbooks. Content: • Differentiated puzzle pieces for children to match up numbers 1 to 10 and 11 to 20. The puzzles are in colour and b/w. Pictures on the puzzles are gold coins with a shamrock and lucky horseshoes. • Worksheet - Match up numbered gold coins with a picture of a shamrock in the centre by drawing lines to the correct tens frame or twenty frame (double tens frame). • Worksheet - Count the number of coins and draw a line to the correct tens frame or twenty frames (double tens frame) • Block Bar Chart worksheet in colour/b&w with 2 differentiated question sheets (with Answer Sheet): Worksheet 1 with 8 questions Worksheet 2 with 11 questions • Cut and glue picture pattern worksheet (with Answer Sheet) – Children cut out the next picture(s) in the sequence. Pictures: leprechaun, green hat, Irish harp and shamrock. • Children can make up their own picture patterns with the pictures using the worksheets provided. Thank you for visiting my shop:-) You may be interested in this St Patrick’s Day Bundle which contains 3 separate products on assembly/lesson, myths and legends and additional St Patrick’s worksheets: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/st-patrick-s-day-bundle-presentation-worksheets-lesson-plans-facts-on-st-patrick-myths-legends-word-work-12067949 Free resource for puzzle numbers 1 to 5: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/st-patrick-s-day-shamrocks-counting-1-to-5-sort-and-match-early-years-yr-12078403
2D Shapes Jack-O'-Lanterns Worksheets Activities Halloween Autumn Fall - US

2D Shapes Jack-O'-Lanterns Worksheets Activities Halloween Autumn Fall - US

This Halloween pumpkin-themed resource is ideal for students to review 2D shapes. Activities consist of matching up the same shape objects, trace shape outline and select the correct multiple-choice answers to name the shapes. Content: Teacher Notes 2D Shapes Jack-O’-Lantern Match Up: Same Shapes Worksheets Match Jack-O’-Lantern Shapes to 2D Shape Outlines and Trace Name the 2D Halloween Pumpkin Shapes (3 Worksheets) 2D Find and Color Jack-o’-lantern Shapes Differentiated Word Searches (x3) with Solution Black and white worksheets Differentiated Wordsearches (3 Sets) with Solutions: Set 1: Identify the 2D shapes and then look for the shape name. Set 2: Read the shape words and find them in the grid. Set 3: Picture and word together. Please see preview pane. The worksheets are US letter size. For UK version https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-12759769 Thank you for visiting my shop.:)
Colour Counting Heart Shapes 1-10, 40 Task Cards Activity/Colour Recognition, Flashcards EYFS/KS1

Colour Counting Heart Shapes 1-10, 40 Task Cards Activity/Colour Recognition, Flashcards EYFS/KS1

This resource relates to counting hearts of different colours. Children choose the correct colours to count and record their answers. Aimed at: EYFS/Year 1 Content: • Teacher Notes (3 pages) -with suggested activities • 20 – Two-Colour Count Heart Shapes Cards • 10 – Three-Colour Count Heart Shapes Cards • 10 – Two-Colour Count Heart Cards with Number Track • 11 – Colour Flash cards with words • 1 sheet of four different colour number tracks Laminate the above and cut out the flash cards and number tracks. A lovely resource which can be used for one-to-one and small group assessment. It can be used as an early morning maths input for children to practise counting. In addition, children will be consolidating their knowledge on colours: red, blue, black, purple, orange, white, green, grey, yellow, brown and pink. The counting cards are differentiated. For children that need some support: There is also a set of cards with a number track. For example, if the card has 5 white hearts and 4 red hearts, s/he counts the red hearts and then point to the number on the number track before writing the number next to the red heart picture. Extension work example For the more able children, you can ask how many hearts altogether. This will lead into more formal addition work: 3 green hearts + 4 orange hearts equals 7 hearts altogether. Please see Preview Pane for additional resources. Thank you for visiting my shop:-) Other counting shapes resource: Colour Count Shapes Activity Cards
St Patrick's Day Counting,  Missing Numbers, More than/Fewer than Presentation and Worksheets YR/KS1

St Patrick's Day Counting, Missing Numbers, More than/Fewer than Presentation and Worksheets YR/KS1

This product relates to counting activities, missing numbers (writing in words and figures) and finding more or fewer. As you play slides 3 to 4 the children count aloud the numbers. Slide 3 is from 1 to 10 and Slide 4 from 11 to 20. You have the option of using Slides 5 to 26 for more counting from 0 to 20. It is a 70 slide PowerPoint presentation which includes the following whole class activities: • General counting 0 to 20. • Counting leprechaun pictures • Working out ‘How many more…?’ • Working out ‘How many fewer…?’ • Counting pots of gold and then saying which has more gold coins • Differentiated missing numbers grids 1 to 10, 1 to 15, 1 to 30. Independent Follow-up Work There are 4 activity tasks for the students to undertake. Activity Sheet 1 (x22)– Students read the number in the circle and then cut out that number of gold coins. They then tick which pot has more coins. Count and colour activity (x3)– More counting practice – there are too many counters in each grid. The students read the digit in the green box and then colour in the required number of coins to match the digit. Missing Numbers and Words (x2) – numbers 1 to 10 grid, 1 to 15 grid and for the more able 1 to 30 grid with missing numbers to fill in. Students write in the missing numbers in the grid. When they have done this, they then write the numbers that are missing in words. Worksheets (x3) on How many more…? - Students work out the answers to the tasks. Worksheets (x3) on How many fewer…? – Students work out the answers to the tasks and then there is a challenge which is to write a subtraction sentence. There is an example of this on Slide 58. File Type: PowerPoint Presentation, Word and PDF formats Thank you for visiting my shop:-)